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Lynsey Howell

Lynsey Howell joined the Cage Marshall team in 2019 with a Bachelor of Science Degree from Kansas State University-Salina in Airway Management, Professional Pilot. Lynsey’s first job out of college was a loan officer for Cessna Financial Corporation in Wichita, Kansas. She then flew as a test pilot for an avionics/maintenance company in Monterey, California, and then as a corporate pilot in a Baron, Hawker 800, King Air 200 and Citation X. But since her dream was to fly seaplanes in a warm place with happy people, she got her multi-engine seaplane rating in Florida and moved to the Virgin Islands. Lynsey flew a Twin Otter on wheels and floats for Seaborne Airlines. After moving back state-side she flew the Phenom jet for JetSuite as both a first officer and captain. When she temporarily stopped flying to start a family, she began working at the local flight school as the manager of Aerodynamic Aviation in Monterey. When Lynsey is not busy with her family or helping other pilots achieve their dreams, you’ll find her flying gliders at the Boulder Airport in Colorado.



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